Custom color palettes for Ocean Data View (continuous)
Custom color palettes for Ocean Data View (discrete)
<<UPDATED 2019-11>>Hi all. There's been some interest in my (not so original; oh well) color palettes based on the films of Wes Anderson.Now it's easier to download all of them at the same time. Click the link here to download a zip file with all the palettes and instructions on how to install (very simple).
<<UPDATED 2019-10>>Ocean Data View is widely used by oceanographers, but their color palettes aren't very exciting. I made new palettes for ODV (.pal files) that are inspired by the colors used in the films of Wes Anderson (except Bottle Rocket, which had a boring color palette).I've included both the color palettes that are continuous (113 different gradation) and discretized at 8 and 10 intervals. Each of these 3 can be used both "forward" (FWD) and "reverse" (REV).How to use:Download and save in the "Palettes" folder within the main "ODV" folder. On my Mac, this is under "Documents". Then, when running ODV, select "properties" then "general" to change the palette. You will have to re-start ODV for the properties panel to see the new palettes.Please let me know if you convert these palettes for another platform and I'll add them to the list. ( should say that I had no idea other people were working on similar things, but you can see their work here.
Ocean Data View palettes:
Rushmore (FWD)Rushmore (8 FWD)
Rushmore (10 FWD)
Rushmore (REV)
Rushmore (8 REV)
Rushmore (10 REV)
Royal Tenenbaums (FWD)
Royal Tenenbaums (8 FWD)
Royal Tenenbaums (10 FWD)
Royal Tenenbaums (REV)
Royal Tenenbaums (8 REV)
Royal Tenenbaums (10 REV)
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (FWD)
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (8 FWD
)The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (10 FWD)
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (REV)
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (8 REV)
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (10 REV)
Hotel Chevalier (FWD)Hotel Chevalier (8 FWD)
Hotel Chevalier (10 FWD)The Darjeeling Limited (FWD)
The Darjeeling Limited (8 FWD)The Darjeeling Limited (10 FWD)
The Darjeeling Limited (REV)The Darjeeling Limited (8 FWD)
The Darjeeling Limited (10 FWD)Fantastic Mr. Fox (FWD)
Fantastic Mr. Fox (8 FWD)Fantastic Mr. Fox (10 FWD)
Fantastic Mr. Fox (REV)Fantastic Mr. Fox (8 REV)
Fantastic Mr. Fox (10 REV)Moonrise Kingdom (Suzy) (FWD)
Moonrise Kingdom (Suzy) (FWD 8)Moonrise Kingdom (Suzy) (FWD 10)
Moonrise Kingdom (Sam) (FWD)Moonrise Kingdom (Sam) (FWD 8)
Moonrise Kingdom (Sam) (FWD 10)The Grand Budapest Hotel (FWD)
The Grand Budapest Hotel (FWD 8)The Grand Budapest Hotel (FWD 10)
The Grand Budapest Hotel (REV)The Grand Budapest Hotel (REV 8)
The Grand Budapest Hotel (REV 10)Catello Cavalcanti (FWD)
Catello Cavalcanti (FWD 8)Catello Cavalcanti (FWD 10)Isle of Dogs (FWD)
Isle of Dogs (FWD 8)Isle of Dogs (FWD 10)Isle of Dogs (REV)Isle of Dogs (REV 8)
Isle of Dogs (REV 10)
Matlab palettes: I don’t know when I’ll get to these!