stories from the end of 2018

LAST MINUTE OCTOBER 2019 STUFF:Check out the color palettes I made for Ocean Data View—all inspired by Wes Anderson's movies. I thought this was an original idea, but I found out it had been done (for R) more than a year earlier (as soon as I posted this on Twitter). Either way, it looks good:Dqkt1lCUUAEJ4KBYou can use these color palettes yourself, by visiting 2018:Visited and gave a talk at University of South Florida, College of Marine Science. Great place. Great people.usf-2018-02.JPGOn a sad note, I also had to deal with the passing of my dog Jake. He had a good, long life, but my wife and I were very sad to see him go.DuqEvgbUcAEyKEYjake-2013-chairCute.JPGDECEMBER 2018:Published the first of two papers on Gulf of California seawater 14C since the last ice age. This paper creates 4 glacial-interglacial records of single-species benthic foraminifera 14C content. One of these is an epifaunal species, which is the first record of the like. The main point of the paper is to investigate alternate explanations (e.g., bioturbation, authigenic carbonate precipitation, and more) for depleted 14C observed during the deglaciation in a nearby site (the canonical record of Marchitto et al. 2007). Check it out! Shot 2019-02-02 at 3.02.02 PM.pngI also attended a meeting that was seemingly custom-made for me: a joint GEOTRACES-PAGES meeting to discuss modern and paleoceanographic tracers! What's more, it was in Aix-en-Provence, France. And they asked me to give a plenary lecture. I was very honored.DuFb0BcUcAADVUHDuFb0BaVAAAdzDIDx9-dpAUYAECTPf.jpg-largeI also visited the *AMAZING* Museum of Oceanography in Monaco, which is just down the way from where good friend Roberta Hansman works (for the IAEA) (see last photo).

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